Artistic impressions - exhibition ln the city of Pécs
The Gallery of the Railway Workers placed my new unique exhibition in the city of Pecs. This exhibition is unique as I presented here only pictures which are linked in each case to an artist. Among them are pictures expressing my thoughts about the given artist like Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo or Andy Warhol. The painting of some other pictures have been just inspired by an artist like Puccini, Beethoven, Mozart or Luciano Pavarotti.
The exhibition was opened on September 21. The hall was full of visitors who had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Attila Lengvarszky, President of the Civic Saloon of Pecs who delivered the opening speech. The surprise guest was Janos Bundy who read his poem inspired by my stamp pictures. I had never had such a privilige before! Music, as always was also present at the ceremony in Pecs as well. The flute trio of Agnes Péter, Agnes Schultz and Viktoria Takacs delivered nice pieces all having some links to my pictures.
I was also happy for the attandance of even two TV teams so those who could not attend the ceremony would have opportunity to get acquainted with my pictures.
You can view the program Tones of the Pecs TV here:
The reportage made by the Pannon TV team for their progtam Pecs Circle can be viewed here: