Chess to the power three
Fisher – Spassky
When we visited the Mali Chess Museum in Klagenfurt, Austria I was seduced by the enormous number of chess sets exhibited there. We learnt that people like this play everywhere in the world and that the fantasy of those making these sets is practically endless. I had made earlier already chess themed pictures nevertheless I took a fancy to make some more pieces. Sandor Szaraz who is a chess lover, player, organizer, writer and trainer as well gave me advise and helped also. When making the first picture of the series it turned out that the stamps used for it were parts of a stamp series so 2 x 2 colour combinations turned out from the magic box offering me the opportunity to commemorate some more world champions too.
The second piece presents the end position of the 1972 Reykjavik championship final. The American grandmaster Bobby Fishes played with the white figures (he died unfortunately in 2008) and after his 56th move his counterpart Boris Spassky playing with the blacks resigned thus the American-Islandic grandmaster born in 1943 became to be the 11th world chess champion. The “chess board” was made of stamps while the figures were glued to the bord using real ones cut-in-half.
To present the same position I made another piece but in 3D. When making the piece a had to sold a new problem, how can I protect the chess board made of paper and stamps but our friend from Luton solved the case.