
I received stamps on the Hunfila exhibition from many collectors. There was someone who did not tell me his name, I express my great thanks to him for the many, many stamps as well. I have a great massage to him, we managed to use his sticked together with patient work too thanks to my 94 years old mother Jozsefne Szendrei. She is helping me from day to day to make me usebla raw materila out from used stamps.
To paint this picture I used Polish stamps featuring a statue of Lenin. Thess stamps were issued in the year of 1973 in eight million copies. I eas seized by its wonderful colours. I simply experimented how I could use them. This picture is the result of the experiment.
Epilogue: The statue was unveiled in 1973 in Nowa Huta, Krakkow but it did not have a long life as it was demolished by many thousands of demonstrators in 1986.