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Stefania Palace, Budapest


Something like one year after my first exhibition MABEOSZ, the organization of the Hungarian stamp collectors invited me to participate in the Hunfila -2019 International Stamp exhibition, the Hungarian adequate to the Stampex London. I got the possibility here to exhibit a collections of 36 pictures of mine in a very nice large galery where it was possible to hang those pieces which I considered to be my best to speacial tablos.

The exhibition was oprened by Tibor Benko, Minister of Defence who upon my invitation visited my exhibition as well. It was a gret privilage that he had a chat with my daughter Zsofi who participates in the  process of stamp sorting. Zsofi kindly presented many ministre Benko with her especially coloured own picture. I was also very glad to the fact that we gained many new freinds from among the stamp collectors and even more to meeting many visitors who came to the Stefania Palace only because of the desire to see my pictures. I was also presented with many-many stamps to help my future work. Thanks everone for the kind cooperation!

It was a special privilage that I had the opportunity on the closing ceremony to handovers as a special prize of the exhibition my picture titled „Rainbow I.”to the winner decided by the jury.

I think the best coverage appeared on the website which you can read here:

You can see pictures made on the exhibition below!


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