Nunciature, May 13, 2020, Budapest
My picture titled “…the bread we break, the cup we bless…” was made for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, it was intended to be exhibited on the exhibition organized by The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary. Because of the well-known reasons the Congress has been postponed for one year, it will be organized next September. Having heard the news about the postponement we started to think to find a place for the picture where people can view it and also for a caretaker who will have the possibility to take the best decision as for the picture’s fate for the forthcoming Congress.
We decided to approach His Excellency Michael A. Blume Apostolic Nuncio, ambassador of Vatican in Budapest. His Excellency accepted our request at once and invited us to visit him on his residence to hand the picture over.
Nuncio Blume received us together with my husband very warmly on May 13. On listening to his question we realized that he had seen my website and looked at my other pictures of religious topics. Just like many other people he also asked me how „the system worked”? The discussion offered us also the possibility to hand him over the chair heater made by my daughter and also to speak about my mother’s part in the „system”. His Excellency had prepared small presents for us already before but after our discussion he rushed for other pieces for my daughter and mother as well. When we told him that my husband’s mother took part in the previous Eucharistic Congress held in Budapest in 1938 he rushed for another one for her too.
We felt during the preceding exchange of mails that Nuncio Blume was interested how my pictures were made so we took with us another picture, a very new one titled „70 years to Ferihegy Airport”. He provided for a special stand to put the picture on and I explained him much about my technique of making my stamp pictures. Finally His Excellency promised that he would find an appropriate place for the picture and he was also sure to find the special role of the picture on the Eucharistic Congress.
We received from him a note next day saying that the picture has been mounted on the wall of a corridor in the Nunciature leading to the Chapel. Most of the staff pass that way daily on the way to Holy Mass or to prayer and guests of the Nunciature have the opportunity to look at the picture as well. He noted that Zsofi’s chair heater has got its right place as well!