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Year of the Snake

Writer's picture: Szendrei JuditSzendrei Judit

Our newsletters will start with the Snake as from now because it is the Snake who is the leading sign for this year in the Chinese zodiac calendar. We started to use the zodiac calendar to honour my exhibitions held in China last year so following this practice we shall take all signs for the next years in the line as they are in the calendar. Let me also show the full picture The Year of the Dragon once more as it has just arrived back from China the last week:

To make another introduction let me great our readers who can read first time my Newsletter in English, nice to meet you here!

I wrote in the January issue about the numerous letters we received from various galleries from outside Hungary. The first event organized in the result of these approaches was opened in London on Hoston Street, the main street of Shoreditch, a famous London borough. The main curator of another London gallery visited this exhibition as well and upon her seeing my exhibited picture we are already working on the setting up a new relationship with them. In the result of the many approaches, we maintain already nine contracts with various galleries starting from New York via Berlin, London and Madrid down to Osaka.

The Italian arts group Itsliquid organizes exhibitions of contemporary artists in many cities of the world.

The London Contemporary – 2025 opened on February 6 in the Elements Gallery on Hoxton Street was one of this series. I was extremely happy at the exhibition as a colleague and even a London business partner of my husband came to see my exhibited picture which has some British aspects as well.

The title of the picture is Battlefield: yesterday. today! tomorrow? and I wanted to express with it my protest against the wars still going on in our days!

Some photos about the opening event of the exhibition

I would also like to present my first picture made this year. Its title is The Nine Muses. The inner history of the picture is also interesting but I propose to read on the website through the link provided.

What in this case was really unique was the process of giving the title to the picture. The opportunity was given by Facebook, the social network. I turned to my Facebook friends as I was curious what this picture meant to them. I was happy to have twenty-four friends coming and giving titles to the picture. Their ideas were love, friendship, togetherness, dance, music. I had the same thoughts in my mind as well but chose, nevertheless another title. The solution this time arrived from Beata Buczi Annamaria: The Nine Muses. The main task of these muses is to relieve various problems of the people by means of music, dance and poems. If I can also add something to the muses with my works it was worth to make them!

After the muses I experienced another interesting picture making process. We were invited by one of our friends to the Csokonai Theatre in Debrecen to see the play The Puppet master. It was our friend’s hope that the play would give me an idea and I would make a picture on the topic. His hope has been met and the picture follows here:

A Polish Jew is behind the bars and it was he who locked himself into the prison of his reminiscences. He is the puppet master whose pregnant wife died in the lager and it was his task to throw her into the fire consuming everything. Although the war was over for a while he could not accept this fact. He lived in a rented room in Berlin together with the puppets of his wife and also his unborn child. The key to the freedom is with him but would he open the door leading to freedom? This is what both the play and my picture is speaking about.

We have got two unusual pictures to show you in the end of February. They were made in the afternoon February 27th on the Times Square in New York City where five of my pictures were presented together with pieces of another contemporary artist to the American public.ész alkotásai között az én képeim is bemutatásra kerülte egy napon keresztül a sétáló amerikai közönségnek.

Among those five pieces were Van Gogh’s Hat and The Year of the Dragon also. This event was also one of the results of opening to towards those galleries who are interested in working with me. We hope that we shall get new friends and perhaps new clients as well.



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