Reminescences of a theatre play
We saw the piece titled The Puppet master written by Gilles Segal in the theatre of our town Debrecen. The recitation was made on honour of the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust. We see a man on the scene who unfolds their life while talking to his wife. We can learn soon that the man is a Polish Jew and his profession is puppet master. His young pregnant wife died in the lager and it was his task to through her body into the deadly fire. Though the war has ended already for a while the puppet master cannot accept this fact. He lives in a rented room in Berlin together with the puppets shaping his dead wife and child.
This picture wishes to present the man who closed himself into the prison of his own reminiscences’. The key leading to the freedom is ahead of him but will he open the door for himself? Freedom for him would mean the ultimate loss of his wife and child but the puppet master does not want to suffer this loss.