Tree of Life with Peacocks
Cross Stitch Rebranded - Embroidery made of stamps

The years spent in the elementary school were very important in my life. I used to attend the same daycare group for eight years with the same schoolmistress, dame Lizzie. We always prepared presents ourselves, all girls and boys made embroideries for our loved ones. Cross stitch was my favourite technique and I returned to it even in my adulthood when I had harder times to live through. The original of this picture is also an embroidery made by me, I simply redesigned its pattern a bit. Along with stamps I used also flowers cut out from a Kalocsa style tapestry to make this picture. The grid serving as a basis for the picture was drawn by my husband. This method helped me much in gluing the very small stamp pieces. Green and yellow colours were painted with the help of various foreign stamps while all remaining parts were made of Hungarian stamps.